Printed from : The Leisure Media Co Ltd
Ergoline's intelligent way to a tan

Intelligent tanning is now available with the Ergoline Excellence IQ.

This new sunbed ‘senses’ how much UV power a persons skin needs by use of an integrated IQ sensor which measures the face and body. Every step in the process is explained by a built-in Voice Guide.

The first measurement is performed on the forehead, with an audible tone confirming its success.

The second is on the palest part of the body, usually either the buttocks or the inside of the arms. This is so that an allowance can be made for pigmentation progress at the next tanning session and power can be increased.

The sunbed’s Intelligent Power System then takes a few seconds to compute a personalised tanning programme and delivers only the exactly defined level of UV power to the face and body.

leisure-kit keyword: Ergoline

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